Frequently Asked Questions

  • Every set of teeth is different, so achieving your new smile requires Dr. Kimberley Timmins to create a treatment plan which has been prepared specifically for you. With this in mind, we can only provide you with a quote for treatment after full treatment planning records have been taken, and a customised treatment plan has been prepared for you.

  • Dr. Kimberley Timmins will perform a thorough clinical examination of your face, skeletal pattern, bite and teeth and our clinical team will take a series of photographs, digital scans and x-rays so that Kimberley can then discuss the treatment options with you after her initial assessment. Kimberley will then detail her recommendations in a comprehensive treatment plan which is customised and individual to each and every patient.

  • Dentists are able to perform orthodontic treatment that is within their scope of practice.  However Orthodontists are specialists who have completed training to be a Dentist and then gone back to university for three years full-time orthodontic study to become a registered Specialist Orthodontist.

  • A small number of patients will initially notice a temporary change to their speech when they are using certain orthodontic appliances, including braces. This change is temporary, and patients can expect to speak normally within a few days.

  • At Dr. Kimberley Timmins Specialist Orthodontist we offer a range of treatment options to help correct a range of orthodontic problems, including: Invisalign clear aligner system, ceramic braces, and more traditional metal braces.

  • There are a range of clear aligner products in the market. At Dr. Kimberley Timmins Specialist Orthodontist we choose to use the Invisalign clear aligner system. We also offer ceramic and custom made 3D printed ceramic braces which offer patients a discreet and aesthetic option for your orthodontic treatment.

  • We can see children of all ages to assess their orthodontic needs. The New Zealand Association of Orthodontists recommends that a child is assessed for their orthodontic needs at around age seven.

    The adolescent years are the most common age for treatment. It is often more effective to move teeth when your child is growing the most.

Book a consultation with Dr. Kimberley Timmins today