Your first step to a new smile
Your initial appointment involves you sitting down and having a discussion with Dr Kimberley Timmins about any concerns you may have with your current smile and what you are wanting to achieve through your orthodontic treatment. It is really important for Kimberley to get to know all individuals and families, so we can really understand your specific needs.
Dr Kimberley Timmins will perform a thorough clinical examination of your face, skeletal pattern, bite and teeth and our clinical team will take a series of photographs, digital scans and x-rays so that Kimberley can then discuss the treatment options with you after her initial assessment.
It’s crucial to Kimberley that she takes the time to consider the individual needs of all patients, and that you fully understand her recommendations. Kimberley will then detail her recommendations in a comprehensive treatment plan which is customised and individual to each and every patient. Kimberley is happy to discuss any elements of your treatment further, at any stage during your orthodontic journey.
If you are ready to take the first step, you don’t need a referral, simply contact our front-desk team to book an appointment to begin the journey to achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of.
Contact us for an appointment on (09) 4796263 or email